What I Think Women Think About My Jaguar!

What I Think Women Think About My Jaguar!

What I Think Women Think About My Jaguar!

Originally I was going to write this article about what women think about my Jaguar. But that would take days of interviews and long hours of interrogation to get to the truth. But then I realized that’s not what’s important here. What’s really important is what I think women think about my Jaguar! That is what is really important, right?

1. He must be rich!

Not really its used. I bought this Jag for 3k. I got it from an online listing from an individual. I couldn’t get over the price of this car until about a week after I bought it the transmission started slipping. Great just my luck, however it was not serious. It was only a leak in the line. So no ma’am – I’m not rich. But it does pay to work on my own cars and solve my own mechanical issues. So in a way you could say I’m rich with skills. Not that any woman I know would be impressed with that so Ill just assume the wealthy status assumption.

2. He must be classy!

Ok that’s part is actually true. If you don’t own a Jag then it’s hard to frame how owning one makes you feel. The other day I went out to eat. I pulled up to the restaurant and handed my special key just for valet parking. I pushed the Valet button on the dashboard to arm Valet Mode. Now in this mode the car will not allow you to open the trunk. So when you’re out with a Lady and you want to make sure her purse is secure in the trunk while you eat. Guys that’s just classy – ok?8. He looks very confident. A. Any body will tell you that confidence is key. Nobody wants a man that’s unsure and lacks confidence. If you were at sea and the captain seemed to not know where you’re going that would be rather unsettling. I would also like to add that owning one of these amazing vehicles is that it does instill confidence. I can’t really tell you why it’s just a feeling you do get from this car. Ultimately I think it’s why this car is as popular. There really isn’t anything like it in my mind

3. He must be very sexy!

Ok thus far no woman had actually told me that. The other day I was giving my son a ride to see his friend. As we pulled up his friend said. “Wow, that car is just too sexy for you two”. Now please understand that is a dude. We are also dudes, So you can’t just call another guy sexy. In this case it’s a clear case of knocking down the obvious. That driving this car actually does make you sexy. I’m not really sure in what way but I am convinced it does. It’s a Jag I mean really..

4. He must be a doctor!

Doctor Driving Nice Car

The great thing is right now the COVID-19 forces us all to wear masks. I wear a do-rag when I’m driving to keep my hair from getting tangled. The advantage of owning a Jag is when somebody sees you with a mask and a do-rag the equation is always “Wow he must be a doctor” Ironically my last name in German means “Death”. So in a way I’m Doctor Death!

5. He must be famous!

I think people can be famous for many things. I’m famous for being late. Famous for forgetting lock my door and famous for forgetting to put the toilet seat down. If we were measured by those standards I would be extremely famous. Since owning the Jag I have been at red lights and had the person next to me look over as if expecting somebody famous. They look at me hard than realize I’m nobody really. They seem kind of disappointed. I want to chase them down and yell “How do you think I feel?”

6. He must have his life together!

I think most women want a man who has his life in order. Ironically having a Jag has no relationship with stability. The car itself is known for service issues. Sorry but If I truly had it together I would own a Prius.

7. He must be a player!

I actually have a girlfriend who I am committed to. She is a good woman. She has always been there for me. I can’t imagine life without her. As far as being a player.. Yes, that true. I play guitar, keyboard and the radio. None of which will interfere with our relationship. She loves to drive it. I wonder what guys think when she does.

For more, read the following article Dating Advice for How to Change Her Mind if She Thinks You Are a Player

8. He must be confident!

Any body will tell you that confidence is key. Nobody wants a man that’s unsure and lacks confidence. If you were at sea and the captain seemed to not know where you’re going that would be rather unsettling. I would also like to add that owning one of these amazing vehicles is that it does instill confidence. I can’t really tell you why it’s just a feeling you do get from this car. Ultimately, I think it’s why this car is as popular. There really isn’t anything like it in my mind.

9. He must be charming and charismatic!

I’m gonna just go with yes on this issue. I am a charismatic person. But that begs this question. Does owning a jag make you charming and charismatic? Or is being charismatic drive oneself to own a Jag? Guess we will never know. Just like what came first the chicken or the egg?

10. He must be a spy!

Must be a spy

I have to say owning a Jag like the XK8 is the closest I can get to being a spy. Every day when I walk out to take her for a ride I hear the theme song from James Bond movie. A refrained smile parses my lips as I jump in for another adventure. It has all sorts of spy like features like hidden trunk key, Heated seats and power windows, Yes a true spy car by any measure.

Check out this cool video on Youtube showing people taking a Jaguar across Europe on an epic month long journey!

If you found this to be entertaining and interesting, please have a read on our other similar article here.


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