What Do Women Think About Facial Hair?

What Women Think About Facial Hair

What Do Women Think About Facial Hair? Five things to consider when growing your facial hair.

Facial hair can be one of the prominent features of a man’s face. It displays to the world your age, indicates wisdom, shows culture, and can be attributed to your character. The unfortunate thing is that some of us men are not equipped to grow a full beard (and that’s okay). Like any physical display, the point should not be to create an illusion of having something. The point is to emphasize your natural good looks as best as possible. Confidence, above all, is what women find the most attractive. Here are five tips on how to keep your facial hair on point that every woman will approve.

1. Whatever you grow, groom it.

As you cross that awkward teenage phase into your twenties and you still see that your facial hair is not coming in, it’s okay. What is not okay is wearing what hair you have on your face as a patchwork of pride. A well-kept garden is as important as a bountiful one. Keep your face groomed. Do not shave your whiskers down to the skin unless you are required by your employment obligations. Keep a simple stubble around your face and avoid a mustache being the most obvious of your face hairs at this point. You can use growth formulas like a beard growing oils, such as Beard Flux XL. The important thing here is to accept that you are still in the early phases of growing your facial hair. Start to act and look the part by keeping a clean stubble versus sparse whiskers. Women who prioritize face hair also like stubble over full beard and this could easily work in your favor.

2. You Have Full Beard Potential. Use It Wisely.

For the lucky ones out there with the ability to grow ZZ top quality beards in just weeks, congratulations you are the envy of what many men seek to accomplish. The flip side to this is the amount of maintenance you will have to undergo to keep your facial hair as tame as possible. If you keep your facial hair long enough to grab, consider conditioners for your beard. Beard balms such as Old Havana Beard Balm by Real Bearded Men.

If you are not comfortable with cutting your own facial hair, you may want a professional to groom your beard as well. You can explore online retail stores for beard and facial hair trimming and maintenance kits. The world of solutions in facial hair upkeep is as broad as any other cosmetology field. These will keep your hair soft and neat. If you plan on getting close to someone, this effort will be much appreciated. Women like facial hair, however they do not like getting scratched and scuffed by your beard hair.

3. Your beard will be appreciated.

There is a line that is obvious in the beard culture. At a certain point, having facial hair is less about impressing women and more about self-indulgence and admiration from other men. This is fine and to an extent, some women appreciate this type of pageantry. The goal remains the same. Keep your hair and face healthy.

If you plan to match the likes of a Norse god in facial hair, I suggest making trimming and treatments a standard monthly process. Keeping your mustache from invading your mouth will be a challenge and brushing your beard. You may even want to invest in electronic tools for straightening your beard. The more facial hair you have the more maintenance you will require. I can’t say this type of facial hair is a showstopper, but you wear it right and look sharp women will notice. You are almost guaranteed a compliment on your manly facial display.

For more on beard health, I would suggest reading this Men’s Journal article.

4. A Little Salt and Pepper is Okay

Beards tend to age a man and some appreciate that while others tend to avoid it. You can assume this from those that prefer to keep a clean shave. Some women look at this “baby face” trim as a sign of lacking confidence.

Getting older means getting grayer and some of us have a genetic attribute that allows us to go grey as early as our 20’s. This silver fox look is exotic (when you are under 35 ) and if you got it, by all means show it off. Hiding natural attributes and using dyes lead women to think you are too vain or lack confidence and need to compensate for something by looking younger. These are red flags and in the world of cosmetics, women can spot the fakes a mile away. Embrace your facial hair coloring for what it is.

5. Your Beard is NOT Your Personality

So, you finally let the hair on your face grow out and now you are experiencing the full benefits of having a beard that connects ear to ear. That’s great, it’s really exciting at first and you will be tempted to explore this newfound arena of bearded life. Do not go overboard. Beards are an extension of your existence not a beacon of your personality. They add to who you are, not create it. Some tend to get fanatic about their facial hair and while there is nothing inherently wrong with this, their nothing women find appealing about it either. You have your handlebar mustaches and your braided beards out there( There is a world of facial hair art). I would say this is a fashion for special occasions, but if you find yourself obsessing with the idea of how to dress your beard, you are going to narrow the playing field of what women find that appealing. Explore life but don’t think everyone will appreciate the masterpiece strapped to your chin as much as you do.

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