What do women really want from a man?

What do women really want from a man?
What do women really want from a man?

What do women really want from a man?

Are you a man worried on how to relate with your woman?

Are you worried that your advances are too strong or too weak?

Are you tired of receiving miscommunication and mixed signals from your woman?

Are you tired of trying too hard to please her and still, you don’t even get anywhere near her?

Worry no more, because in this article, you will get to know exactly what she really wants from you!

There a popular saying that all women are the same. However, that is simply not true. All women are not the same in terms of physical attributes, character, mindset, likes and dislikes, attitudes, choice of food, way of thinking and lots more. Women are totally, uniquely different in varieties of ways.

That being said, however, also most women give the same reactions to most relationship issues.

Men need to take note of this. A woman that pleases her man in all ways automatically expect to be pleased in return. Most woman’s actions will mirror yours as long as you take the lead.

For men that are eager to please those women of theirs and know what they want, let’s take a look at a few of what women really want from a man:

1. Sincerity

A lot of men have overused the word “love”, so much that they don’t know exactly what it means. Love can take a lot of forms, from the physical to emotional that it easily encompasses many different meanings. However, the word sincere is usually not in a man’s dictionary. As much as a woman wants to hear the word “I love you”, they want those words coming from a sincere heart, not just a man who say those words to get the attention of a woman.

All women have a good bs radar. They can pick up on undertones of the spoken word. A woman appreciates sincerity when she sees one. Sincerity in all sense of the word, sincerity in action and sincerity of character (a lot of men do some acting up just to woo women).

As long as you are upfront and straightforward with your intentions, feelings and emotions with a woman, they will reciprocate that to you.

2. Attention

Another important thing women crave from their guy is attention. However, they crave the right attention. But men, may I tell you that no matter how busy you tend to be, always create time to shower a lot of attention to your woman, as this will substitute for the times you are busy.

All women love and demand attention from their men. Women love to be specially remembered on their birthdays, to receive gifts or lovely text messages, to be pampered with words of affection including kisses.

Basically, when you are with her, just focus solely on her and her needs. She will repay you 1,000 times over!

3. Appreciation

Most men do not know this, women love to be appreciated, and the more they are appreciated, the more they are happy to do whatsoever it is their men appreciate them for.

Sometimes you just look at your woman in the face and tell her thank you for accepting to be my woman, or thank you for taking care of me, or thank you for choosing to stay beside me as my woman, etc.

Women love feeling appreciated. I hope men that are reading this article would inculcate the habit of appreciating their women. Put your ego aside and thank your woman.

For more on how to know if the woman you are with really loves you, take a look at our other article.

4. Being provided for.

This is a perfect video as to why you need to make money.

No matter how wealthy a woman is, she will still want to be taken care of by her man. Women naturally crave stability and security. Nowadays, many men enter relationships with women entirely due to money. That simply a recipe for a disaster. If you are in a good relationship with your girlfriend or wife, it is probably due to the fact that you are stable with your finances and are able to take care of the bills.

5. Feeling of Importance

Women always want to know how important they are to their man. Most women tend to have a jealousy streak as they fear being abandoned and thus, they don’t want anything competing with their place in the heart of their men. Men should take note of this and create time for their women, as you shouldn’t be hanging out with friends and work all the time.

6. Trust

The basis of every good relationship is trust. Trust can destroy a relationship faster than anything else. Women always want men to be truthful to the point of giving them their undivided trust. Remember the famous saying, trust takes years to build and only seconds to destroy.

7. Communication and Understanding

Anyone would agree with me that most women love to talk and always communicate with their loved ones. Therefore, another thing women want from a man is constant communication.

Women also expect their men to understand them. However, it is not that easy to always understand them. What women say and what women do are two different things.

Therefore women want their men to understand them and be patient with them.

For more information on how to communicate better with your partner, please take a look at the following linked article.

The list is inexhaustible, but with the few points above, I hope men would understand their women more and please them more by granting them their wishes and wants.

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