Men: How to improve your sex life?

How to improve your sex life?How to improve your sex life?

Men: How to Improve your sex life

Sex can make or break your relationship. Are you looking for a way to step up your sex life? Or have you lost your partner due to your dwindling sexual prowess? We’ve all been there before. I am here to help you get you back to where you once were!

In this article, we will explore the common causes of a poor sex life, as well as provide you with some ways to naturally increase your libido, or sex drive.

Causes of a poor sex life

One in every five men has a poor sex life at some point in their lives. Before thinking of improving your sex life, it is essential to identify what is the root cause of a weak sex drive.

Below are some things that can dampen your sex life:

Low Libido

 Your libido or sex drive determines how frequently you have sex. A low libido automatically translates into poor sex life.

 It is usual for your libido to be low for some time; however, it will be alarming if this continues for a long time.

 Having a low libido for an extended period may be as a result of some underlying health issues such as low testosterone levels, medications, depression, stress, and other health conditions can make you lose interest in sex permanently.

Talk to your doctor or health provider to screen you and see if you are strong enough for sexual activity.

Stress and Psychological problems

 Many issues plague the world. Stress resulting from financial and relationship problems can make you lose interest in sex.

You may even be thinking of how to offload your credit card debt. All these won’t make you feel like having sex.

Stress also promotes the release of a hormone called cortisol. This hormone reduces the testosterone level your body, thereby decreasing your sex drive.

Cortisol can also initiate processes that could lead to ED (erectile dysfunction). Most signs of ED are reversible if caught early enough.

If you are suffering from stress and psychological problems, I would advise you to reach out to a local behavioral therapist to get a deeper understanding as to why you feel that way.

Depleting Dopamine Level

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that makes you happy. Getting aroused sexually is a function of the brain. Dopamine has been linked to play the most vital role in this.

Diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimers can often result in depletion of the dopamine level in the body. That’s why it is important to talk to your doctor or local healthcare provider to find out if you have any underlying health problems.


 Your lifestyle has an effect on your sex life. Excessive drinking of alcohol can reduce the level of testosterone in your body.

Research has shown that excessive intake of alcohol can affect the enzymes needed to synthesize testosterone. Instead, those enzymes are directed to the liver.

Obesity and smoking can also impede your sex life. To get back on the right track, it is essential that you stop or reducing smoking. You can even start exercising to cut down on your excess weight.


Diseases like cancer, rheumatism, and others can make you forget about sex. These diseases interfere with sex hormones production, resulting in the depletion of these hormones. Treatment process like chemotherapy can also reduce your libido.

But guess what? You can still take your sex life to the next level.

How to improve your sex life?

Looking for a way to improve your sexual prowess is normal; in fact, it shows that you love and cherish your partner and are willing to satisfy them at all costs.

Here are some easy natural ways to increase your libido and get you back to where you once were:


It essential to know that your sexual prowess is connected to your cardiovascular system. Anything that affects your circulatory system will ultimately affect your sex drive.

Exercise goes a long way in putting your cardiovascular system in the right shape. Taking 30minutes a day to exercise can help push your sex drive to a healthy level.

Read our other article that explores exercise and its’ link to sex further. Click here.

Eating Healthy Foods

I earlier explained that your sexual prowess is directly correlated to your cardiovascular system. Foods like onions, banana, pepper, and the likes can help you increase the flow of blood around your body, consequently increasing your sexual drive.

Avocado and tuna are very rich in omega-3-fatty acid; they also improve blood circulation to your penis.

When you consume foods like pork, peanuts, they make your nervous system more sensitive to signals. These foods are rich in vitamin B-1; your penis will be more sensitive to touch from your partner.

Click here for more diet tips for a stronger, healthier you.

Avoiding Stress

Stress could make you timid in your bedroom. Stress elevates your blood pressure, which is not suitable for your sexual life, let alone any part of your life. It would be best if you found time to rest and relax.

Meditate and practice Yoga often; these bring your mind to a state of rest.

Stress could make you ejaculate prematurely or it could prevent you from getting a full erection. In all honesty, avoid everything that brings you stress.

Sleep more; instead of staying late all night partying, you can make time to take a nap. Getting adequate sleep will boost your libido.

Increasing Communication

Communication is one effective tool in a relationship. Discuss sex with your partner often. Ask her what she likes in bed and please her at all costs.

You can ask your partner how she will love to be touched. Do not put too much pressure on yourself; be human. Be natural.

When you do this, you are sure of working magic in your bedroom.

Indulge in Foreplay

Practicing foreplay before sex goes a long way; it prepares both you and your partner mentally and physically for love making.

After you’ve communicated with your partner, explore her weak body points. Most men do think that they might lose their erection during foreplay.

On the contrary, most women don’t care if you are hard or soft during penetration once you’ve satisfied them through foreplay.

Foreplay makes your work easy during penetrative sex; most times, your partner would have been aroused. It is that much easier to make her climax.

Sex is a significant issue in marriages and romantic relationships. If you follow all these things that were discussed, you will make your partner happy and also have a happy home.

 Now that you know what to do better, I hope you turn to a monster in the bedroom!

For more information on how to achieve a better sex life, please click here.

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