10 Honest Question Interview With My Girlfriend.

10 Honest Question Interview With My Girlfriend.

10 Honest Question Interview With My Girlfriend.

We are all just mortal men. We are simple creatures. It is far from our place to begin to understand the complicated aspects of our counterparts in life, women. Over the years I have asked questions but never got what I thought were straight honest solid answers from them. So I have decided to risk it all and interview my current girlfriend Alice to find out the answers to things that all men want to ask but are afraid too.

Now don’t get me wrong guys, I know we are a bit scared of the truth, or honesty,
compassion and all that other crap. But the time has come to has your girlfriend really important questions. These are the ones that we hesitate to ask – so I decided to try this on my girlfriend Alice for us.

Let’s get started:

1. The Size Question:

Me: Is my penis large enough, and if YES then what would you do if it wasn’t?

Alice: Yes, And if it wasn’t large enough I would just lie to you and be happy. We
would experiment in the bedroom for other options and have fun. Besides, you don’t really want to know the truth do you? (Sneaky).

2. Would you clone me?

Me: If the technology existed and I died, would you have me cloned exactly the
way I am now?

Alice: I think I would have you cloned. With the only exception would be that I would have you cloned to only be attracted to me and never look at other woman. Some kind of built in filter to keep your attention on me only. (Very Subtle).

3. What would change about me?

Me: If you could change anything about me what would it be?

Alice: I don’t even know, I really wouldn’t change anything physically about you. I
would however change the feeling that you could be unfaithful at some point. Or that you would be unfaithful in the wrong situation. So trustworthiness would be what I would change. I would like to trust you more. You need to be more trustworthy I think.

4. Are you good enough for me?

Me: What is something you feel you don’t do good enough for me?

Alice: Everything, if I’m being honest. I feel like I’m not good enough. Pretty enough, I feel ugly and that I don’t measure up. It’s a hard thing to feel. But I do feel that way sometimes.

5. To Orgasm or Not To Orgasm?

Me: Have you ever faked an orgasm with me? Be truthful.

Alice: No, I actually never had an orgasm until I met you. My previous sexual
relationship consisted of short and a wham bam thank you ma’am type of sex. I dealt with that for years so yeah baby, it’s the real thing.

6. Till death do us part?

Me: In a Romeo and Juliet scenario, would you drink the poison?

Alice: No, Nobody is worth dying for. I have children and other people in my life that depend on me to be there for them. I think that I love you enough to die with you. I love you that much so yeah maybe I would in the right situation. Hey a girl can change her mind can’t she?

7. An indecent proposal.

Me: Imagine a scenario that we were broke and lost everything. Then a strange man offers you 1 million dollars for an overnight romantic evening. Would you do it?

Alice: Never in a million years, because the guilt would eat me alive. The only person that means anything in this whole wide world is you. You hold the key to my heart. You mean the world to me. Too many people cheat in this world. Love should be more than that. (BS or no?)

Here is another article that we wrote that shows you how women want to be treated.

8. Scale of 1 to 10?

Me: What would you score me from a scale 1 to 10.

Alice: I would score you as a 12. You do everything right, treat me like a lady and you make me feel good about myself. You also make me laugh and entertain me. You have a great sense of humor.

9. Would you date again after I died?

Me: If I die would you re-marry or date again?

Answer: No, because I am too old to be chasing a new love in my life. I have been
chasing you for too long. Wouldn’t be able to to do it!

10. Upgrade to 2.0 or no?

Me: If they developed an android man, would you trade me in for a new model?

Answer: No Way!! I’ve watched too much star trek. In Aliens, the android tried to kill
everybody, they can turn on you and kill you. Besides I’m happy with the man I have. Nothing would be worse than an Android man you just can’t trust. It’s my suspicion they would all have the “Ken Doll” Package. (Refer to Question 1).

Ok guys there you have it. I hope all of you can appreciate how hard it was to do this
article. I want to thank my girlfriend Alice for answering all of the questions as best she could. I think this has been an insightful and informative article. However it is NOT what it appears to be.

Relationships are all about communication. Letting each other know they are important and their opinion matters. We will never share the same view after all we are the opposite sexes but if we try we can get the whole picture. You have to ask the hard questions sometimes. You may not get the answer you want but often its the answer you need to hear.

For more questions to ask your girlfriend or wife, please refer to this blog post by The Nest.

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