7 Tips For Men To Stay Healthy and Fit As You Age

7 Tips For Men To Stay Healthy and Fit As You Age

7 Tips For Men To Stay Healthy and Fit As You Age

Will you like to look 25 when you are just 50 years old? Do you want to look forever young? You might worry how you will stay healthy and fit as you age. Well, you are not alone!

It is often hard to keep fit or maintain your weight in a busy world where you could eat any type of food with the snap of a finger. But with a little bit of discipline and food education, you can turn back the hands of time.

You will also be armed with some practices that will make you healthy and fit for life. Read on to discover this hidden treasure.

While you are still young, you could eat as late as you want and still not add excess weight. This is because your body system is efficient and also working at optimum capacity.

Aging is not something you can run from; you need to learn how to live with it and adjust your routines and habits accordingly.

Staying fit and healthy as you grow old is mostly dependent on you.

Remember, your lifestyle has a significant effect on your fitness and health in general. Follow the tips below to stay fit and healthy regardless of your age.

1. Schedule health screenings as frequently as possible.

Most men don’t like to see their doctor until they are usually sick. Visiting your doctor is extremely important. Include it in your to-do list; you can see your doctor once every month.

Going for medical check-ups helps reveal some hidden illnesses that you may not notice on your own.

Your doctor will watch out for your blood pressure, cholesterol level, body mass index, and the likes. With this, your doctor can suggest some suitable diet adjustments and potential exercises that will fit your present health status.

Ensure you see your doctor before starting any fitness program. This can not be understated.

2. Maintain a Consistent Workout Regiment

Workout at least 3 times a week for maximum benefits.

Exercising regularly will not only make you fit, but also keep you in good shape. It is essential that you include exercise in your day-to-day activity.  

The official UK guidelines stresses that adults should engage in 90 minutes of vigorous exercise or 180 minutes of moderate exercise per week.

Either way, choose a suitable one that coincides with what your doctor has recommended for you. There are many different types of exercises that you can do, from walking around your house to lifting weights. You may even choose to run or swim; just make sure you are exercising.

*For more information on why swimming is the best workout for a man, please read our other post here.

When you exercise regularly, you burn fat. It also helps pump blood effectively throughout the body. 

Exercising consistently for three years can make you look ten years younger. Various studies have reported that exercising for as low as 10 minutes a day can put your health at the right pace.

3. Cut junk food from your diet now!

Food plays a vital role in making you look fit and healthy. Consume foods that are low in trans fat and low in nutrients.

When you take food high in trans fat, you will add unnecessary weight. These foods can also block your blood vessel, which may lead to hypertension.

In order to combat this, consider adding more vegetables and fruit in your diet. Foods like spinach, broccoli, apples and bananas foods are rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals that will help put your body in the right shape.

When you undergo stress, toxins build-up, this makes you look older than your age. But when you consume fruits and vegetables in an adequate proportion, they help you break down and remove these toxins. By doing so, you will certainly look a lot younger!

4. Consistently weigh yourself and track your progress

Make it a habit to weigh yourself every morning. Knowing your weight will make it a point to keep an eye on the food that you are consuming and motivate you to inform exercise.

The scale does not lie – it will give you the story straight without any nonsense. When you weigh yourself regularly, you can quickly know if you’ve added weight and what you can do to adjust that weight gain.

For more on why weighing yourself every morning is important, please have a look at this article.

5. Participate in your favorite sport!

Indulging in your favorite sport can make you fit and also keep you healthy. There are several sports that can keep you in the right shape. Sports like basketball, swimming, cycling and the rest can help you burn some amount of fat.

This fact was corroborated by a science journal. It was observed that people who combined sport with appropriate dieting shed weight faster than those who followed the dieting part alone.   

6. Lift weights regularly

Weight training or resistance training will definitely help you build and maintain your muscle mass, while also promoting fat loss. There are many uses for weight training and I strongly urge all men to lift at least twice a week.

This type of training involves you pushing and pully heavy and light weight. One good thing about this form of exercise is that you can always tailor the training to your specific need.

You don’t need to spend long hours in the gym before getting your body in the right shape. Resistance does not only maintain fitness; it helps decrease the cholesterol level in your body, reverse, or reduce aging.

Before considering going for resistance training, I advise that you contact your exercise physiologist. This professional will suggest a suitable exercise.

7. Rest up – and Never Give Up!

Your body function decreases with age. During sleep, your body repairs itself. This makes sleep the most critical exercise to partake in order to achieve your physical goals.

Mathew Walker, a Professor of psychology, explained on how a good night’s sleep could improve your health greatly and also make you stay fit. Getting quality sleep is a great strategy for losing weight.

Research explains that skipping nights of sleep can make you add weight; it can also increase your craving for unwholesome food.  

Scientists have discovered that getting quality sleep has a way of regulating hunger hormones.

Staying young and healthy forever is not a day’s job. In fact, you need to keep trying those things that were discussed over and over again. Never give up if you are yet to attain your desired weight and body shape. With discipline and living an appropriate lifestyle, it is possible to stay fit and be healthy while aging!

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