6 great superfoods men need to add to their diet now!

7 Superfoods To Add To Your Diet Now

6 great superfoods men need to add to their diet now!

Being healthy is a choice for most men and there are a lot of factors at play. One of the big ones is that we are faced with more “quick fix” solutions that are “cheap” and “ get the job done”. Most men simply get hungry and will eat anything that is in front of them. Unless the reason is, “it will kill me.” you will be hard-pressed to make a sound excuse for why you can not incorporate one if not all of these suggested superfoods into your life. Here are six superfoods you need to start putting in your food hole.

1. Goji Berry

Most berries are considered to be a superfood. The Goji berry would be the most ideal choice to improve men’s health. Information circulating and various sources indicate that the goji berry stimulates the natural development of testosterone. Other acclaimed benefits include lowering MDA levels. Sellers range as well a quality too.

Goji berries are easily paired with other foods ( yogurt, oatmeal, granola, baked foods, salads, etc.). You can get them in trail mixes, stand alone, dried and dehydrated, or as a concentrated powder. Considering the application for testosterone enhancement, this is one superfood for men to start incorporating into their diet today. You will see massive improvement in your health over time.

2. Kale

Kale is on this list because it is super accessible and it is packed with superfood powers. Kale packs a deep amount of vitamins including Vitamin A, C, and K. You can also find it canned, which is acceptable if the fresh kale is not available, just note that it has a bit of sodium. Some people prefer kale cooked some prefer kale as it is. Kale is an acquired taste – that’s for sure. Most people intake their kale through juicing so as to get other vitamins and minerals as well.

3. Beans and Lentils

Sometimes the foods that are most basic and essential to a rounded diet are exactly what we need. Beans and lentils are not exotic or hard to find, but they are one of the highly recommended superfoods. They are dense in vitamins, a great source of protein both supplementary, and can serve as an alternative to meat. There are kidney reds, pinto, black beans, and lentils.

However, we advise you to avoid your “pork and beans” style beans. Canned or dried beans make little difference in nutritional value. Dried beans need more attention when cooking. The main reason why men need this superfood in their diet is how it also has a lot of fiber and helps you pass bowel. That doesn’t sound appetizing, but a but beans and lentils help improve our colon health.

4. Pomegranates

Pomegranates are a well known superfood as they are marketed by various fruit juice companies and come in several supplements. While oranges have always been considered the vitamin C king, Pomegranates are dense with a variety of essential vitamins to include higher concentrated amount of Vitamin C.

That being said, pomegranates are not as accessible as other superfoods and can be quite pricey. Supplements and juices derived from the pomegranate fruit are much easier to get access however. The big thing here is the fruit cumbersome to eat. The advantage this fruit has in the superfood arena is that it is tasty and an experience I think every man should experience.

Why this fruit is good for men? Some initial studies and web rated sources show that consuming pomegranate will improve or lower the risk factors involved with prostate cancer.

5. Tree Nuts

Tree nuts are an amazing superfood source. They are great as long as you do not have an allergy to them. These superfoods have been linked to inhibiting cancer factors and improving heart health.

Tree nuts are so easy to incorporate into your diet. You can eat them raw or even roast them if you would like. Almonds, pistachios, walnuts, cashews, and pecans are among some of the most delectable. They are pretty accessible all year round at an affordable price and come deshelled, crushed, or in a trail mix. Another benefit of nuts is they are a quick snack that travels well and provides a good protein source. Helps you curb your fast food habits as well.

6. Green Tea

Green tea is up there in the superfood category as it provides a lot of benefits in one package. Many antioxidants and the small bump of caffeine will help you with gaining focus during your day. It can actually pack as much caffeine as a regular cup of coffee. However, the caffeine is released slowly into your blood stream, making it a lot of more tolerable to your system. It will give you some other options and can be carried with you and made anywhere you have access to hot water. Like any healthy habit, to incorporate it into your lifestyle need to make it the more convenient option. Teabags are small and travel well. If you have the time you can cold brew a glass.

If you enjoyed our superfood article, please read more on our Men’s Health and Diet series here.

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