5 Tips For Men To Increase Self-Esteem

5 Tips For Men To Increase Self-Esteem

5 Tips For Men To Increase Self-Esteem

Confidence is key. Not only is that phrase anecdotal and possibly cliche, but it’s one of the most truthful statements in life. If you are confident in your abilities, the people around you will assume you know what you’re doing and act accordingly. Confidence and self-esteem are very closely related, so here are 5 tips to boost your self-esteem today.

1. Working Out

Regardless of boosting self-esteem (which it will definitely improve) getting in the gym is one of the best things a man can do for himself. Now I’m not suggesting you become a meathead and start shoveling pure whey protein into your mouth, but hitting the gym at least once or twice a week will instill a subconscious habit of self-care.

Almost immediately after you begin working out, you’ll notice an enhancement in your daily mood, and a boost of energy throughout the day. Those are just some of the short-term effects. Long-term effects include longer life-expectancy, improved heart health, and improved confidence due to your newfound strength and ability, as well as your newly improved physical physique.

2. Dress To Impress

We’ve all heard the old anecdotes “look good, feel good” and “dress for the job you want, not the job you have”. Although these sayings have practical meanings, they can also hold a deeper meaning below the surface. The way you dress can subconsciously affect the way you come across to other people. Making sure your clothes are nice and clean, as well as making sure they fit well are paramount in creating a look for yourself that will make you feel as good as you look.

Just as important as your impeccable style, is your comfort. Gone are the days where we had to sacrifice style for comfort, in fact, with the rise of designer sportswear blurring the lines of fashion and athletics, one could argue that comfort is even more important.

Take a look at our Top 11 Essentials for Every Man’s Closet.

3. Personal Hygiene

Personal hygiene can be different for everyone, and it depends on habits acquired since childhood, which is why it’s so important to instill a sense of personal hygiene from an early age. Making sure you look clean and smell good are cornerstones of making sure you also feel good about yourself, and if you do follow through and start doing Tip #1 and start working out, you’re definitely going to have to make sure your hygiene game is on point.

People with low self-esteem feel that they are not worthy of happiness, so they do not conduct themselves in a way that will bring happiness into their lives. Much like your fashion sense, your hygiene conveys a subtle message to those you interact with. When you can say something to someone without using words, you want to make sure what you’re communicating is in line with your character. A high value man would always make sure he looks presentable, smells good, and stays sharp mentally.

Hygiene is one of the most fundamental areas of our lives, if you neglect this basic principle in your life, then you will certainly begin to neglect the more complex tasks and concepts that arise later in life.

For more on why personal hygiene is important to dating, please read the following article by Suzie The Single Dating Diva.

4. Having a Defined Purpose

“Having a purpose is the difference between making a living and making a life.” — Tom Thiss

Hope actually keeps us alive. There are many people walking through life without even thinking about their higher purpose or what they were put on this earth to accomplish. You may be one of those people, but not any longer. When you put yourself out there and risk failing, not only do you learn more about yourself, you also learn about what opportunities are out there and what path you might want to take in your life. Many people find what they like, and stick to that. While there is nothing wrong with that, if you don’t branch out and risk putting yourself in a new situation because it’s initially daunting, you could be robbing yourself of a truly meaningful experience here on earth.

A purpose is defined as “a self-organizing life aim that stimulates goals”, and just as we have basic needs physically such as, eating, drinking and sleeping, we also have psychological needs. According to Alan Rozanski, a professor at the Icahn School of Medicine in Mount Sinai, “the need for meaning and purpose is #1”. Rozanski goes on to say, “it’s the deepest driver of well-being there is”

5. Embrace All Parts of Yourself

I love everyone who has decided to be a part of my life. Everyone who is currently in my life has been hand-picked to be involved in my life. That’s why you must design your life. No one can live it for you. In these post-COVID times, it’s more important than ever to build your character and sense of self on a foundation of rock, not sand. That means trusting in the universe and allowing yourself to become the man you are meant to be.

In an age of Instagram likes and instant gratification, it’s easy to just focus on the highlights of life. Everyone is happy and every day is the best day ever, until the app closes and the phone turns off. No is going to show off their fears and insecurities on social media, because that won’t get likes, but real life isn’t about being liked. I’ve found that true strength comes from caring less about what people think of you, not caring more. Because, like I said, although I love everyone in my life, this is my life to live and no one can live it for me. If you go through life walking on eggshells, worried about what others might think of you, then it can be very difficult for you to break out of the mental box you’ve now put yourself in, and achieve your highest potential.

We all want to be happy, but as men we have a responsibility to lead others and put ourselves in harm’s way, even if it means sacrificing our own well-being, or even our lives. Take these tips, implement them into your life and I guarantee you will see a drastic improvement in mental clarity, focus and drive. Let’s be the best version of ourselves that we can be.

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