5 Simple Reasons Why Men Should Always Flaunt Their Hair – Even If They Are Bald!

5 Simple Reasons Why Men Should Always Flaunt Their Hair – Even If They Are Bald!

5 Simple Reasons Why Men Should Always Flaunt Their Hair – Even If They Are Bald!

Men let’s face the facts about your hair. At some point, most of us will start to go bald. It’s as true as the rises in the East. This, while an inevitable and unfortunate truth, can be taken differently depending on how attached you are to your hair and how critical you find it to be as a part of who you are.

It can be said that you are often defined not by how you see yourself but by how others see who you think you are and your hair plays a huge role in that perception. The good news is your hair may define how you look to the world but how you treat this feature defines how you present yourself to the world. This is not an article on how to find enlightenment nor a simple trick to fixing your creeping hairline. These are 5 things that will help you understand why flaunting your dome for what it is the most attractive thing you can do and how to do it best.

1. High and tight is not always right.

While this hairstyle may work for some of us men, it does nothing but state to the world how utilitarian you are. That’s not always a bad thing but you are minimizing the features that set you apart from everyone else around you and perhaps a feature that may be very attractive about you. Women will state that they like the “military hairstyle”. They like what it represents in most cases. If that honestly is not your brand then I suggest you figure out what is. If you are not going bald, give your hair some time to grow and see what that pasture can produce. Learn to get a haircut to the shape of your face. You may be running out of time to experiment with hairstyles. Better learn before you don’t get a chance.

2. Looking healthy is the key.

If you are aerodynamic or flaunting a mop, this still applies to you. Looking healthy is a big turn on and a long term attractive feature for every man. This applies to the body, mind, skin, and of course your hair (or lack thereof). If you got hair, nice, that is step one. If you are over washing and not properly caring for your scalp and the condition of your hair then you are a homeowner with an unkempt lawn. You have to care for and maintain this field on the top of your head. Your skin needs moisture, your hair needs conditioning, and that ALL-IN-ONE stuff is just crap. Use quality products that incorporate natural oil basis. Avoid male-driven hair products (pomades, gels, etc ) as they tend to have large quantities of alcohol as a drying agent and this will damage your hair in the long run as well as your scalp. If you are in the Vin Diesel camp for hairstyles, treat your head with care. Lotions, oils, and skincare products. The goal is to bring out the health in your headspace. Ultimately, what you put in your body will be expressed by your body and that includes your scalp and hair health. Supplementing with Omega3 and vitamins will help both.

3. You know there are doctors for this, right?

I am not talking about getting prescribed pills or being sold on hair regrowth solutions by medical professionals (there are some out there that do work by the way). I am talking about getting your head examined ( scalp and hair ) to ensure you do not have any underlying issues or conditions that express themselves through your hair growth. While genetics are the primary factor your habits and diet can play a role as well. Stress can cause hair loss or reduction of growth. Weak diets can lead to dim and unhealthy hair as well as influence hair loss. Stress and diet can also influence your skin especially your scalp ( dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis, etc.). Talking to a professional can get you on track understanding your hair and skin type as well as put you on a track to manage your skin and health needs as it relates to the surface of your head. Healthy head better appeal.

For more information as to special alternative methods of growing hair, please have a look at this excellent article written by New York Magazine.

4. Whatever you got. Own it!

What do Vin Diesel, Dwayne Johnson, and Jason Statham have in common? Aside from a macho franchise, they all accept a simple fact about their lives. They are bald, and that’s great! They own it. We have to face the reality that some of us (most) will lose our hair and as manly tradition falls upon our cranium it should be taken with pride not shame. While this may take some getting used to, and while may feel more naked and less confident about your appeal, remember that it’s about looking and being healthy. That is what women see, confidence, and healthiness. Last time check, being natural is healthy, and going bald is an inevitable healthy transition in manhood. OWN IT!

5. Going grey is more than okay.

Surprisingly going grey is happening as early as 20 in some men. While the urge to hide it may come about, it’s not necessarily a bad nor unhealthy thing. Grey hair is often attributed to age or even stress, but genetics is the biggest factor. Going grey early is a completely natural occurrence and many guys are shaken by this. Instead of using products to hide the grey hair, use hair coloring products or “ clear rinses “ that increase shine and luster. If your hair is dark this will lighten your hair and increase the youthful appearance. This will also improve the shine and blend of the grey hairs. All in all, this will allow you to have a healthier appearance. You are better off owning it and flaunting it. The biggest take away here is the more you grow to appreciate what hand you are dealt with and accept the hair you have, the more appealing you will be. Learn how to work with what you got the best way possible. Own it.

To learn more on how to use your natural looks to impress the opposite sex, please have a read of the following article!

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