5 Reasons Why Cats Make Better Pets for Men Than Dogs

5 Reasons Why Cats Make Better Pets for Men Than Dogs
Cats give you emotional independence.

5 Reasons Why Cats Make Better Pets for Men Than Dogs

Cats vs dogs, which is better? While the adage has always been “dogs are man’s best friend” I fail to see how a good boy who is always excited to see you is what everyone needs to emotionally nurture them. On the flip side cats can also be this way but are certainly different and why not? They are cats, not another kind of dog. While dogs typically show constant affection and admiration for their owners, cats do so as well but far less. They are not as emotionally dependent or eager to please. That may be better for you when it comes to developing real relationships with other people. Especially love interests.

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1. Cats help you discern moods

This is going to be one-sided, but it’s pretty close to accurate. Dogs seem to all have the same basic personalities. It will differ slightly but they are all ( typically ) happy go lucky love balls ready to play at the drop of a hat. Seems fun until you recognize how high maintenance that is. Cats, more like people, have a range of moods throughout the day. Being able to recognize the signs of changing moods like those in a cat is essential to navigating interpersonal relationships. Apply this to your love life and you will see a massive gain in appreciation and admiration.

2. Cats teach men how to give space

Despite our best intentions as guys, we tend to overcompensate for assumed failures in a relationship. The classic, “ I don’t know what I did wrong” and “I don’t know why she is mad but I am sure it’s something I did. ”. The harder you try to fix this, the further from fixing it you get. Cats do the same thing. One minute you are having a great time and playing or petting and BOOM no more touching for you. Cats want to be left alone sometimes. It’s important to see this in people too. Learn to respect a cat’s space and you can learn to respect a woman. This, in turn, becomes an attractive feature. Believe it or not, women want you to give them space instead of trying to “ fix” their problems. Cats are the only ones that will bite you when you cross that line. They will let you know when NO means NO.

3. Cats teach you about intimacy

While we have seen dogs get close and cozy with humans we often forget that cats do this too. Again, it’s are not the forever happy love ball we have made dogs be. They are more independent and want affection on their terms. Sometimes it’s when you run your laptop, sometimes it’s when you are in the bathroom. Don’t ask why, no one knows, but they do ask for love when they want it. The same thing happens in a relationship and if you are as dense as they come, get a cat. You will learn to recognize affection cues and apply this to a relationship. Picking up on love cues is a major part of long term relationship success. 24/7 love balls just make you lazy at it because a dog will always come to you with affection. You rarely have to bring it to them.

4. Help prepare you for a long term relationship

Dogs, super easy to train. You just give them food in association with whatever trick you want them to do. Cats are more naturally in-depth to understanding human responses than dogs and despite saying “ like herding cats’ ‘, cats are just as trainable as dogs. Like dogs, cats will be destructive and act out as well so be mindful of that. Fixing a cat’s behavior often requires some compromise on your part. Sometimes it involves changing the cat food or letting a cat sleep in a certain spot. You don’t win but you don’t lose either. Cats can be very, “ if you can’t handle me at my worst, you don’t deserve me at my best”. If you are a seasoned dater or in a relationship you can probably account for this type of power grab. Compromise, it helps and gives you the charge of developing a strong relationship. Women want to see a guy that is willing to collaborate, not train, and tolerate.

5. You have to earn a cat’s respect.

Any pet will teach you respect, cats make the task easier. This is to target the guys who blow a fuse over little things. I am guilty of this for a range of things and ultimately this just is not healthy in any relationship. Cats will challenge this part of your character like no other pet. They are black belts in trying your patience and will destroy keepsakes and furniture with such infuriating ease you will begin to wonder if kids are this hard. They are not, they are harder. Take a deep breath, take a step back, and come to the realization it was not a personal attack. Living with a cat means you will have to deal with this kinda stuff from time to time and yet if you can learn how to not go off the rails like a huge man baby, you can learn to let someone into your life without doing the same to them for similar reasons. Holy cow, love interests will be taken aback in a good way if you can bring that to a relationship.

I make a strong case for cats and how they can improve your love life. In a way, a cat will be a Mr.Miyagi to your Karate Kid dating life. Dogs are more like the embodiment of Jason Mantzoukas. Always fun and always happy but will get exhausting after a while. If you want a more utilitarian perspective cat’s, hands down, are like the Honda Civic of pets. Low upfront cost and low maintenance long term. I would rather change a litter box VS going in the rain to find the hockey puck-sized landmines dogs leave in the yard. Get yourself one, take a few selfies, and see what reactions you get. Cats are guaranteed to boost your game.

For more info on how cats make perfect pets for men, take a look at this blog post by GoodHouseKeeping.com – Click here.

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