5 Do’s and Don’ts When On A First Date

Dos Donts First Date
What to do and what not to do on a first date!

5 Do’s and Don’ts When On A First Date

Do you know what you do on a romantic date has a long-lasting impression? Have you had bad experiences with your previous dates? It is often hard to see one’s date to get ruined.

 In this write-up, I will tell you what you should watch out for on a date. You are also going to learn what you are and what you are not supposed to do on a first date.

Love is a beautiful thing; unfortunately, it is also a fickle thing as well. Your behavior, composure and how you carry yourself on the first date determines if you are going to land the girl or not.

Here are the top 5 do’s and don’ts for a first date:


1. Don’t show up late.

Don’t keep her waiting!

I can’t stress this enough – do not show up late for a date. I would even say it would be better to cancel your first date ahead of time if you know that you could not make it in time.

Women think differently from us: She will interpret your tardiness as being unreliable. She might also think that you value other things above her.

Your partner might see your lateness as you not respecting her. There are at least 2000 interpretations of you coming late.

Courtesy demands that you should be at the venue of your date some minutes before your woman arrives. Though you might have genuine reasons for coming late to a date, it is best you settle all those hindrances on time.

2. Don’t talk too much about yourself

Do not talk too much on the first date. Nothing puts a lady off like a man trying to too hard to impress them and even bragging about himself. By speaking too much, you lose any sort of mystique that she has about you in her head.

Instead, I would implore you to introduce yourself in a polite and normal way.

This does not in any way mean that you should bring yourself low; that too, can be a turnoff. Rather, don’t reveal everything about yourself on the first date.

3. Don’t keep checking your phone

This is one of the common mistakes men make on a date. Never keep checking your phone; it sends a bad signal to your date.

It shows that you have little or no interest in the conversation. In fact, it shows that you prefer your phone to the conversation that you are having with a beautiful woman.

It will show her that you are not only disinterested in what she has to say, but it will also raise her suspicions of your potential infidelity as a mate. Women are naturally jealous and this will raise their suspicions right away.

4. Don’t try to be perfect

I hate to break it to you, but there is no perfect human. As such, do not overthink things and try to be perfect all the time. Because even if you succeed at coming off as a perfect man, this will put massive pressure on her to keep up.

A lot of times women get turned off by a guy is not because they are simply not interested in them. They are not confident enough in their own natural talents to compliment that guy correctly.

That’s why you should be loose and even be ready to make a joke at your own expense in order to keep the mood light.

5. Don’t talk too much about your ex.

If you want your date to be your lover, then don’t talk about your ex(es). And if she asks you about your past relationships, just keep it minimal, don’t say too much.

Talking too much about your ex(es) means you’ve not gotten over her. No lady will sit seeing your recount how you had pleasant memories with your exes.


1. Be a good listener

A first date is where you and your partner (or potential partner) have quality time for each other. It is a time to pour out emotions. It is also the time you guys laugh and enjoy the moment.

When it comes to a romantic date, let the lady do most of the talking. Always listen to whatever she has to say irrespective of whether it makes sense or not.

Ladies love men who have a listening ear. They feel accepted and treasured. Please pay attention to what she is saying; you can also chip in some questions.

Never interrupt her; let her express herself fully; she will feel at home around you in no time.

2. Do Maintain Good Eye Contact

A woman wants a man who is a man who is bold and courageous. She is not looking for someone timid.

Try as much as possible to keep eye contact, but don’t stare at her for too long; she might get embarrassed.

Occasionally take your eyes off her, then maintain another eye contact. Do that on and off. Your date can know if you are honest about some of your convos.

3. Do Dress Well

Dress nice and simple. You don’t have to put on your best cloth to impress your date but ensure you are neat, decent, and presentable.  

Never make the mistake of appearing at a date on a cooperate dress; remember it is a casual world.

Do not look like a scruff to the venue; it is better being overdressed than to be poorly dressed. Your date will compliment your effort for dressing well. Lastly, don’t forget your perfume and body spray; ladies love when you smell nice.

For more on dressing nice, please read our article on the Top 11 Essentials for Every Man’s Closet.

4. Do tell the truth

Most men think they can win their date over by exaggerating or by telling lies. However, women have a great bs detector and can easily figure out when you are lying or when you are telling the truth.

Be as honest as possible, be proud to tell your date who you are, and if she’s not cool with it, that’s fine too. She just isn’t the right one for you. Move on. Next.

5. Do Pay The Bill

Never allow your date to pay for her own meal. It is nice gesture for a woman to pay for her own bills; it shows that she is reliable and can look after herself.

However, it is a great turn on when you take care of the bill. This means that you are financially stable enough to take care of her. As such, Ensure you pay for the meals, even if she offers to do that.

For more information on who should be paying the bill, please read the following article.

This list is not exhaustive, but these are the basic things you ought to do.

Oh, I forgot, please throw two or three compliments at her. We all love to be complimented. You can compliment her dress and her hair; just ensure you compliment her.

I look forward to seeing you finding the right one to settle down with!

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