12 Tips to Impress Her On The First Date

12 Tips to Impress Her On The First Date.

12 Tips to Impress Her On The First Date

Please don’t let her go. It’s your first chance, might be your last too. It’s all up to you, how you make it your day. Be her man, meaning, be the man she loves to be with. Going on a first date may feel like a roller coaster ride, you may feel butterflies in the stomach. No one can deny that. At times you feel the sweat on the forehead, feel the urge for the restroom very frequently. It all happens as it’s your first date. Being nervous, a lot of guys make mistakes and end up blowing the first date. With the help of relationship experts, we come up with useful, charming ways to make her your own.

Here are some tips to impress her on the first date and make yours forever.

1. Be confident

Be confident, as it’s your first date, it’s justified to get nervous. But don’t show it on your face. Women love confident men. They want to hold the arms of poised and confident men, in a way confidence gives them a sense of security.

2. When in doubt, smile.

Keep a strong smile on your face as a smile is a way of communication. If you fall short on words as it’s your first date, don’t know what to ask, smile with eye contact. This will make her blush and her heart has to melt. You need to create that aura of the first impression with a smiling face that she can’t help but give importance.

3. Say her name often on the first date

Human psychology says people like to hear their names from others. It conveys the importance of their existence. Girls are no exception, when getting such sweet gestures from a man whom she can spend her life with, it matters. It defines the character of the man and his thought. Girls like men with a broad outlook.

4. Have table manners

Girls like a man with etiquette. They don’t overlook it, they observe everything to the last detail. They notice if you’re soft-spoken or loud, if you open the car door for her or not, if you pull the chair for her before you sit or if you let her choose the menu of dinner or not. These are little things women notice when they go on a first date. Your manners tell everything about you and define you as a person. These gestures are quite spontaneous; you can’t force yourself to do it. But it reflects very much of you and that’s enough for a girl to have your first impression on her.

5. Be A Good Listener

Girls like men who listens and pays attention to every word she speaks, acknowledge it with a short reply, and a smile. Don’t kill the time you spend together with the constant buzzing of your phone, and annoying sounds of text messages. Better to keep your phone silent when you go for a date. These are mood killers in the middle of a great conversation. Don’t fall into this trap.

6. Praise Her

Girls like to be praised, but they hate it if you do it half. Praise her with sincerity, from within. Don’t fake it. Your date will like a real man. The last thing women find attractive is a poser or a pretender. Be her true man and make beautiful moments with her.

For more on this, please read our other article here.

7. Don’t be bossy

Allow her some questions to ask you. Don’t show a bossy attitude rather bring your simplicity, humble nature, and let her talk. Let her be engaged with questions on life, jobs that would make her happy. It’s a good sign that she is interested to have a serious conversation with you and might want your suggestions too.

You will be surprised there is so much more to learn from her and about her life. You’ll get to know each other’s habits, hobbies, likes, dislikes passion, etc. Let the first date be memorable.

8. Be the real you

Don’t pretend to be someone else. Be you that will ease your future days. Your date is here because she likes something about you. Maybe it’s your personality that impressed her, it may be your outlook or it may be something else. The point is she is here for you and only for you, as she found something special in you. Woo her with your charm.

9. Avoid negativity

Stop being argumentative and judgmental about the world. The last thing women want to hear is negativity. They agreed to go on the date with you so that they can forget their problems and enjoy your company. Being negative shows a lot about your true character. Your date will love to be with a man of gentle and positive nature.

10. Be Funny

Women like men with a sense of humor, joking around will help to break the ice. Do it with little pause. Don’t overdo it though. Limited fun is good on the first date. Don’t make her feel awkward

11. Split the bill

Split the bill of a meal with her. If she wants to pay the bill, don’t say ‘no’. That word may kill your conversation and her mood. Instead, you can say ‘I want to pay, but it’s okay if you say so’. Politely ask her to split the bill with a smile. That will flow your conversation, in this process your date gets to know the good sides of you.

12. Call, Don’t Text

A phone call can win her over in a minute. It’s a simple way to humanize your communication and put both of you at ease. This phone call shows your confidence and comfort, chances are higher that she will feel the same. Confidence is the key.

It’s a lot to sink with. Don’t think much. Try to stay casual. Sometimes seriousness messes up a good date. The first date is not any competition that you’ve to give your best. Behave like you, speak like you, act like you, simplicity matters to women. If you’re genuine, your date has to fall for you, not for the first time but many times in the future.

If you are interested in reading more on good dating tips, I highly recommend reading the following blog post on picking up women and dating. Click here.

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