12 Foods For Muscular Men!

12 Foods For Muscular Men!

12 Foods For Muscular Men!

Are you looking to build strong muscles? Or you are looking to maintain your strong muscular built? In that case, you must be willing to eat for those muscles too.

Beyond the squats, push-ups, and heavy-lifting, muscular men depend on food to achieve the body that they desire. You need to eat foods that are rich with nutrients and pack a lot of protein and good carbs!

The human body is like a machine which continuously seeks to breakdown tissues while replacing them with nutrients that we receive from food. Therefore, what you eat is vital to building muscles and remaining healthy.

Here is a list of foods to include in your meal plan. These will ensure that all your hard work in the gym becomes a success.

1. Eggs

One definite mainstay in the meal plan of muscular men is eggs.

Eggs are healthy food and are a tremendous help for building muscles. Specifically, egg yolk contains cholesterol which supports the activities of steroid hormones in the body.

Also, leucine in eggs are igniters to building big and strong muscles. Basically, if you want to get yoked (pun intended), you need to stack up on your yolks!

2. Turkey

This lean meat is perfect for building muscles. In the event that you are sick of eating chicken, switch it up and eat some fresh turkey. However, avoid those cold cut slices of turkey as they have added preservatives and excessive sodium.

In turkey, you have got a slice of lean meat to replace all those fat in burgers and regular meals.

3. Shrimp

Although mostly associated with hangouts and parties, shrimp is perfect for muscle building as it packs a lot of protein in such a small portions. Shrimps are delicious, relatively cheap, and fat free.

4. Dry Nuts

Nuts are great muscle-building snacks. A small quantity of almond walnuts or cashews daily can make a huge difference in your muscular build.

Eating these portable nuts is an excellent way to increase calories. They give you a complete combination of needed muscle-building nutrients such as; fiber, fats and protein.

5. Greek Yogurt

Genuine Greek Yogurt is richer than you could imagine. Not only does it provide the necessary proteins and amino acids that your body needs to build muscle, it also has probiotics that will help your immune system!

To enjoy the richness of this genuine protein supplier, go for the unsweetened variety, and better still add some fresh fruits to your desire. We highly recommend 2% Fage Yogurt as our go-to Greek yogurt!

6. Tuna

Tuna is a must-have for anyone trying to build muscles fast. If you want a lean but rich protein, then you have to get tuna as it is packed with amino acids and strong omega-3 fatty proteins as well.

Do not hesitate to add some tuna into your diet! Your body will thank you in the long run.

7. Protein Shake

Every muscular man takes a protein shake that provides carbohydrate and protein nutrients to the body, among so many other things that it offers.

Some of which are; it raises the flow of blood to the muscles. It rapidly increases protein synthesis and refuels energy to your muscles, while simultaneously also reducing muscles atrophy and enhances carbohydrate use by your body hours later.

Muscular men should take protein shakes before and after gym workouts for optimal performance.

8. Brown Rice

An excellent vegetarian muscle-building meal is brown rice. It is so rich in protein that in a single cup you can get up to 5 grams of protein.

Here is a great take on why you should consider adding brown rice to your diet to gain more muscle mass.

9. Salmon

Let’s not forget Salmon, rich fish with omega-3 fats. And unlike some animal products, it has top-quality protein. Also, it’s omega-3 fats help to raise the anabolism abilities of amino acids. While, also helping to hinder the breakdown of muscles in the body.

Therefore, salmon is an excellent protein supplier to help speed up your muscle growth. We recommend eating Wild Caught Salmon as it has far more nutrients and protein for your body! Perhaps, if you are not one for fish, consider getting fish oil supplements that offer these benefits for your muscular growth.

10. Full-Fat Cottage Cheese

Cottage Cheese contains two significant properties that aid muscle growth, which is whey and casein. Both whey and casein help aid you in building a lot of muscle!

Casein raises the levels of amino acids in the blood and also keeps these levels high for a long time, unlike whey.

Another substance in cottage cheese is good bacteria. These also referred to as live cultures, are charged with the responsibility of the breakdown and absorption of all required nutrients to give you big and strong muscles.

11. Almond Butter

Unlike peanut butter, it possesses a better protein to fat ratio. Almond butter is increasingly becoming more popular; this could be because it has a milder-taste. Either way, as previously discussed on nuts, almond butter helps to boost the immune system and is a good addition for muscular men.

12. Beans

How did beans get in this list? Well, this very affordable food is rich in fiber and protein for muscle-build, as well as low fat.

Although it demands a bit of cooking skills, it makes for easy addition to your meal plan for muscle growth.


There are others such as venison, scallops, lentils, wild boar, pork tenderloin, and much more, all of which are useful additions to your meal. Those discussed would surely help to ensure the sweat and grit you put into your time at the gym is visible for all to see.

If you are looking for some great recipes to spice up your dating life, take a look at other blog post here.

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