10 Clear Signs a Woman Wants You!

10 Clear Signs a Woman Wants You!
10 Clear Signs a Woman Wants You!

10 Signs That A Woman Is Interested In You

Do you want to know if a woman is interested in you? Here we spell out the 10 clear as day signs that a woman likes you.

So many women are interested in a man initially due to his looks or his money. Some women are interested in a man that makes them laugh. Some are interested in a man that famous or is powerful. Others become attracted after they sleep with the man.

There are thousands of reasons women get interested in men, it could be character, personal interest etc.

So many guys believe it is difficult to tell when a lady is interested in them, they find the task so challenging that it causes them headache upon headache.

The good news is – it is not as hard as you make it out to be.

All you need to do is to look out for the 10 clear signs that a woman is signalling to you that she is interested in you!

1. She always want to be around you.

If a lady is interested in you, it doesn’t matter if she is in your vicinity or not, she will always look for an excuse to be where you would see her. You might hear bizarre reasons such as I came to get something at the street across the street from you and I decided to drop by. She will always want to frequent the restaurant you go to or the gym that you attend. She wants to be constantly on your mind.

2. Dressing stunningly every time you get together.

stunning woman

A lady interested in you aside from being around you, would always dress to impress anytime she is with you. She is super conscious of how she dresses around you, she keeps on adjusting her hair, her clothes, topping her make-up anytime you are around. She wants to make sure she is perfectly representing you in every sense of the word. This is a huge sign that she is into you.

3. Laughs at your corny jokes and is agreeable.

When a lady is interested in you and she finds herself agreeing with you and complementing you on your intelligence with a smile. She also laughs easily at any funny or smart comment that you come up with. Most guys disregard this, but it’s a major sign because she wants to constantly grab your attention and keep your attention for herself

4. She calls you.

A lady who is into you would find a way of getting your contact and some information about you from people who are around you. She might just give you an unexpected call to check up on you, or simply, she just wants to hear your voice. A phone call is a lot stronger of a connection than a text message or a Facebook message.

5. She asks you out.

When a girl is into you she thinks about you almost every minute of the day. She just can’t help it. And if she likes you enough, she will make the first move and ask you out.

For more on what to do if a woman asks you out, please read here.

6. She constantly making plans to include you as well.

When she is into you, get to always be around you, show forth her physical beauty to you, get your contact information, message you on social media, invite you over to hang out with friends, then, she finds time during one of your taking time to tell you some personal things about her, be it her background, her parents, her school days and so on. All these reasons are mainly to keep you close.

7. She asks very deep and personal questions.

A lady who is interested in you would like to know more about you, so would tend to ask personal questions about you to get a deeper understanding of who you are. She can ask things as simple as your favorite color and food and also she can ask about your relationship with your siblings and parents. She might even ask what type of woman you usually like so that she can emulate and be that dream girl you always wanted.

8. She’ll go out of her way to please you.

After getting to know your likes and dislikes, a lady who is into you would go out of her way to please you by doing the things you like. For instance if had told her you appreciate women on long hair, even though she doesn’t fancy wearing long hair, she would give it a try to see if you notice her.

9. She will go out of her way to praise you.

A woman into you would like to know about what you do on a daily basis and praise you on anything from a simple idea to an achievement that took months to complete.

10. She will go out of her way to help you.

A woman interested in you would always be more than willing to help you out even if she was the one who was broke.

If this article helped you, please read more on our dating series here.

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